Month: January 2020

Crochet Edgings become Crochet Headbands

I feel like I’ve gone on and on and on about how much I love crochet edging patterns. But really, what do I do with them? Sadly, I do not have handkerchiefs to edge, nor do I want to embellish our flannel sheets with crochet edgings. Nevertheless, I still peruse edging patterns as if I have a hope chest to fill with daintily edged tea towels. (I do not have a hope chest.) After I finished indulging in fantasies of living in a novel from the 1900s, I vowed to come up with a practical use for crochet edgings. After about the four thousandth time of flipping through pattern books recently, I started to see several potential headbands in the pages! Using edging patterns for headbands is easy and fun! Here, I give tips on how to choose crochet edgings for headbands and walk through how I made a couple of headbands from nice edging patterns.